The family engagement night, junior high girls' basketball practice, and the parent meeting for high school girls' basketball are canceled for tonight, Thursday, November 17, 2022, due to multiple reports of icy east-west roads. The family engagement night will be rescheduled in the spring. The high school girls' basketball parent meeting is rescheduled for Thursday, December 1st at 5:30 pm in the lobby of the armory.
The Lemmon School District will be starting school 2 hours late on Thursday, Nov 17.
Family Engagement Night is Thursday, November 17, 2022. All families with students in grades K-5 are welcome to attend!
Congratulations to the Oral Interp team for their great showing at Regionals. Gage Anderson and Max Anderson will be advancing to the state competition.
Region Oral Interp results:
Max Anderson. 3rd place Medal in Serious
Gage Anderson 1st Place medal in Humorous and 2nd place medal Storytelling.
Alyssa Dix - 4th place - state alternate in Non-Original Oratory
Max Anderson/Will Penfield - Duet - 6th place
Alyssa Dix - 6th - Poetry
The A-Z Shredding truck will be in Lemmon on Monday, November 14, 2022, on the south side of the old high school at 9:00 a.m. to shred some of our paperwork from past years. If anyone in Lemmon or the area has any papers they would like shredded the cost is 30 cents per pound. Please bring your garbage bag and/or box(es) of papers to the old high school by 9:00 am that morning with your name, address and e-mail address for billing purposes. They will shred the school papers first and then will accept any shredding from the community. If you have any questions, please contact the Lemmon School Business Office at (605) 374-3762.
Family Engagement Night is Thursday, November 17, 2022. All families with students in grades K-5 are welcome to attend!
Free College Application Period for 2023 Seniors
The A-Z Shredding truck will be in Lemmon on Monday, November 14, 2022\
The Veterans Day Program will be Monday, November 14, 2022. Monday's program will follow veteran's meal which begins at noon in the Armory. The program will follow at 1:00. Enter through Door #8.
THIS HAS BEEN POSTPONED--The A-Z Shredding truck will be in Lemmon on Monday, November 14, 2022, on the south side of the old high school at 9:00 a.m. to shred some of our paperwork from past years. If anyone in Lemmon or the area has any papers they would like shredded the cost is 30 cents per pound. Please bring your garbage bag and/or box(es) of papers to the old high school by 9:00 am that morning with your name, address and e-mail address for billing purposes. They will shred the school papers first and then will accept any shredding from the community. If you have any questions, please contact the Lemmon School Business Office at (605) 374-3762.
The Lemmon School District is closed today, Thurs, Nov 10 due to the weather
Due to the weather predicted for Wednesday night and Thursday, the administration has decided to postpone Thursday's Veterans Day Program to Monday, November 14, 2022. Monday's program will follow the same time frame with the veteran meal beginning at noon and the program at 1:00 in the Armory.
The Lemmon School District will be starting School 2 hours late tomorrow, Thursday, November 10 due to icy roads. If the predicted storm hits, a call may be made by 8 AM with a cancellation update!
Family Engagement for grades K-5
Due to the weather predicted for Wednesday night and Thursday, the administration has decided to postpone Thursday's Veterans Day Program to Monday, November 14, 2022. Monday's program will follow the same time frame with the veteran meal beginning at noon and the program at 1:00 in the Armory.
The Lemmon School District will be dismissing early today, Nov 9, due to the icy road conditions and incoming weather. Student will be dismissed at 12:30 today and buses will run at that time. No EST, Wt Room or practices today.
Due to the weather predicted for Wednesday night and Thursday, the administration has decided to postpone Thursday's Veterans Day Program to Monday, November 14, 2022. Monday's program will follow the same time frame with the veteran meal beginning at noon and the program at 1:00 in the Armory.
Donna Erhardt, representing the Lemmon American Legion Auxiliary, presented the third grade students with dictionaries today.
The Lemmon School District's Veteran's Day Program will be held in the Aux Gym. on Thurs, Nov 10 beginning with lunch at 12:00 pm and program to follow. Please enter using Door #8 on the SW side of the building. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Christmas Concert has been moved to Thursday, December 8 at 6:30!