Senior Literature Projects today! Mango kuchen and smoothies for "The Mango Season." A special song written for "Samurai Shortstop," and a "Clue" scavenger hunt for "The Westing Game."
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Mango Season
Mango Season
Mango Season
FFA fun at today's Pep Rally
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
FFA Pep Rally
FFA Pep Rally
FFA Pep Rally
FFA Pep Rally
Thursday winners of the FFA Emblem contest sponsored by Lemmon High School FFA during FFA Week! Congratulations!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Thursday Emblem Winner
Thursday Emblem Winner
Quinn is one of the featured wrestlers whose picture is on the SD Broadcasting main page during the SD State Wrestling Tournament this weekend (Feb 23-25)
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Quinn @ State Wrestling
The horticulture class has been learning about the elements of floral design.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Horticulture learns about Floral Design
Horticulture learns about Floral Design
Horticulture learns about Floral Design
Horticulture learns about Floral Design
National FFA Week USA dress-up winners!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
USA Dress Up Day Winners
Check out the new books at Lemmon Elementary Library!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
New Elem Lib Bks
New Elem Lib Bks
Check out the new books at the HS Library!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
New HS Bks
New HS Bks
The Lemmon School District will be starting school 2 hours late on Thursday, Feb 23 due to the snow accumulation, cold temperatures and to allow our rural staff & patrons time to clear their roads. Grades 6-12 will be taking the NWEA test beginning at 10:00.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
2 hr late start
Contact Steven Bucks, Superintendent at 314 8th Street West, Lemmon SD 57638 or call 605-374-3762 for more information or to apply.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
teacher openings
The Lemmon School District will not have school today, Wednesday, February 22, due to the predicted winter storm.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Snow Day pic
The Lemmon School District will be starting school 2 hours late tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 22 beginning with 3rd hour. If there are any additional weather/closing updates, they will be made before 8:30 tomorrow morning.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
2 hr late start
Today's dress up day for National FFA Week was Western Day. Congrats to Kaden & Dina for have the "Best" Western outfits!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Tues Dress Up Day
For National FFA Week, the officers are hiding 2 FFA emblems around the school. Riddles are given on the announcements to aid the students in finding the emblems. Congratulations to today's winners!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Tues Emblem Winners
FFA Week Dress Up Days
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
FFA Week Dress Up Days
The Lemon School District will be starting school at 10 AM today, Tuesday, Feb 21 beginning with 1st hour for grades 6-12. We will continue to monitor the weather throughout the day and if conditions warrant calling school off early, a phone call/text will be sent out.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
MOnitoring weather
The Lemmon School District will be starting school 2 hours late today, Tuesday, Feb 21 beginning with 1st hour. If there are any additional weather/closing updates, they will be made before 8:30 this morning.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
2 hr late start
The Region GBB game will be Tuesday, Feb 21 vs Newell at 4:00. The game will be played in Newell!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Today is "Drive Your Tractor To School Day"! Happy National FFA Week!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
take your tractor to school
Last week, Edgar Meza visited the 7th grade social studies class to talk about Mexico. A few of the things that the kids learned about Mexico was the food, the futbol, and the music. One of the kids’ favorite things was getting to hold Mexican Pesos! Thanks so much to Edgar for sharing his stories with our kids!!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Meza talks about Mexico
Meza talks about Mexico