Lemmon Junior High/High School yearbooks for the 2022-23 school year are on sale now. Please sign up and pay at the high school office. The cost is $45. Orders & payment are due by Thursday, April 13th.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Yearbook Sales
The Missoula Children's Theatre will be presenting "The Jungle Book" on April 14 & 15. Tryouts will be on Monday, April 10. All children in grades K-12 are welcome to audition!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
MCT Poster
CUSTODIAL HELP WANTED – The Lemmon School District is taking applications for a Custodian. Computer skills and being able to lift is required. Knowledge of care of buildings and grounds is preferred. Salary based on experience. This is a full-time position and benefits include retirement & medical insurance. Applications are available at the office and on the Lemmon School website at https://www.lemmon.k12.sd.us/ For further information or questions, please contact Steve Bucks, Superintendent, Lemmon School District #52-4, 314 8th Street West, Lemmon, SD 57638 Telephone: 1-605-374-3762
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Custodial Clipart
Custodial Carts
Lemmon Elementary Family Engagement Night will be on Thursday, March 23. 2023. Everyone is invited for an evening fun-snacks & refreshments will be provided.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Fam Engagement Night
Lemmon Junior High/High School yearbooks for the 2022-23 school year are on sale now. Please sign up and pay at the high school office. The cost is $45. Orders & payment are due by Thursday, April 13th.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Yearbook Sales
WANTED – The Lemmon School District is taking applications for the position of Business Manager for the Lemmon School District. The applicant must have the background, skills, and abilities essential for providing excellence in school district budgets, finance, and human resources. The applicant must also have effective communication skills. This is a full-time administrative position and benefits include retirement and medical insurance. Salary is based on experience. Please submit your letter of application, resume, references and credentials to Steve Bucks, Superintendent, Lemmon School District #52-4, 314 8th Street West, Lemmon, SD 57638 or e-mail to steve.bucks@k12.sd.us
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Business Manager
The Lemmon School District will be starting school 2 hours late tomorrow, March 22 and FFA will NOT be going to Newell due to the road conditions. Grades 6-12 will be starting with 1st hour class.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
late start
The Spelling Bee scheduled for tomorrow (March 22) has been postponed until Wednesday, April 19th.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Spelling Bee Postponed
The Lemmon School District will be dismissing at 2:00 today, Tuesday, March 21 due to the icy roads and incoming weather.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
EArly Dismissal
The Spelling Bee scheduled for tomorrow (March 22) has been postponed until April 19th.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Spelling Bee postponed
The Lemmon School District will be starting school 2 hours late today, Tuesday, Mar 21 due to allow time for the highway & city crews as well as our rural staff & patrons to clear their roads.Grades 6-12 will be starting with 3rd hour class.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Late Start
Extra Curricular Job Openings @ the Lemmon School District
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Positions open
Lemmon Elementary Family Engagement Night will be on Thursday, March 23. 2023. Everyone is invited for an evening fun-snacks & refreshments will be provided.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Fam Engagement Night
WANTED – The Lemmon School District is taking applications for the position of Business Manager for the Lemmon School District. The applicant must have the background, skills, and abilities essential for providing excellence in school district budgets, finance, and human resources. The applicant must also have effective communication skills. This is a full-time administrative position and benefits include retirement and medical insurance. Salary is based on experience. Please submit your letter of application, resume, references and credentials to Steve Bucks, Superintendent, Lemmon School District #52-4, 314 8th Street West, Lemmon, SD 57638 or e-mail to steve.bucks@k12.sd.us
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Business Manager
There will be a parent/athlete meeting for all athletes going out for track on the 22nd of March @ 5:30. Please meet in the lunchroom.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
1st Tr Practice
The Missoula Children's Theatre will be presenting "The Jungle Book" on April 14 & 15. Tryouts will be on Monday, April 10. All children in grades K-12 are welcome to audition!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
MCT Poster
Grades 6-8 & 11 will be taking the Smarter Balance State Test on March 16. Please help your student prepare by having them get a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast each day.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
State Testing Schedule
Congratulations to Mrs. Heather Katus and Miss Danci Hoff on their nominations for the 2023 SD Parent Nominated Special Education Staff of the Year Award. These ladies' accomplishments are representative of the fantastic work happening every day at Lemmon School District. Please share in congratulating them when you see them.
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Mrs. Katus
Mrs. Hoff
Mrs. Hoff & Mrs. Katus
Yesterday was pi day. Thank you to Mrs. Oliver & the Pre-Calc class for the "pi"!
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Pi Day
Extra Curricular Job Openings @ the Lemmon School District
almost 2 years ago, Lemmon School District
Job Openings