The 5th grade Art students created foiled dots in celebration of Dot Day, September 15th.
The Natural Resource class took advantage of the nice weather to do some fishing. Thank you to Edgar and Keith from the GF&P for this wonderful opportunity!
Lessons on data in Intro to IT led to a history lesson from World War II about enigma machines and the way messages were encrypted to keep info out of enemy hands. Students encrypted messages today using a make-shift Pringles Enigma Machine. Thankfully, encryption with computers is easier than the Enigma Machine.
The Lemmon High students will attending the T4 (Tools, Trades Torque & Tech) Workforce Development Program on Wed, Sept 20 (Grades 11-12) & Thurs, Sept 21 (Grades 8 & 9). We will be leaving at 7:50 from the High School. Lunch will be provided and we will return before school is out for the day!
The FAFSA webpage has been updated. Come to the Financial Aid Night to see the changes and learn how to apply for college financial aid!
7th Grade visiting the library!
The Ag Processing class would like to thank everyone that donated produce and canning supplies for their salsa making project. All of their salsa jars successfully sealed! What a great experience for our students!
The Lemmon High students will attending the T4 (Tools, Trades Torque & Tech) Workforce Development Program on Wed, Sept 20 (Grades 11-12) & Thurs, Sept 21 (Grades 8 & 9). We will be leaving at 7:50 from the High School. Lunch will be provided and we will return before school is out for the day!
Please join us in sharing your appreciation for the dedication and commitment of Anita Stugelmeyer to the Lemmon School District. In celebration of her thirty-seven years of service, we are honoring Anita on Friday, September 22, 2023, at 2:00 PM in the front lobby of the F.J. Reeder Armory.
The seniors had a show and tell with their favorite childhood book or a book that was special to them. This activity was done in preparation for an upcoming writing assignment in Senior Composition!
LHS students had a beautiful day in Pasture 9 learning about range plants and soil. A huge thank you to NRCS and Forest Service employees that did a fabulous job teaching our youth. Thank you to the sponsors that paid for the lunch for the students. Lemmon hosted over 200 students from 8 different school.
Today is Land & Range School for some of our students. Thank you Mrs. R. Gebhart for organizing this for our students and surrounding school districts! More pictures to come!
Thursday's Homecoming Dress Up Day is Class Colors:
Thursday's Homecoming Dress Up Day is Class Colors:
2023 Seniors are asked to stop by the HS Office and pick up their Yearbooks!
Show your LHS pride and pick up a FREE Cowboy and Cowgirl Country yard sign at Dacotah Bank. DB staff will also be handing them out during Homecoming week at the armory after the Tuesday(9/5) volleyball match and at Lemmon Lions Field after the Friday(9/8) football game.
2023 Seniors are asked to stop by the HS Office and pick up their Yearbooks!
Turbiville Photography will be taking our individual & sports pictures this year. Picture day is Thursday, August 31. Order forms will be sent home with your child on the first day of school. See the back ground options below:
2023 Seniors are asked to stop by the HS Office and pick up their Yearbooks!