What a perfect day for the Lemmon Cross Country meet!
What a perfect day for the Lemmon Cross Country meet!
8th & 9th grade students attended the T4 Conference in Bowman on Thursday. They had the opportunity to experience over 20 different careers/pathways-what a great opportunity.
8th & 9th grade students attended the T4 Conference in Bowman on Thursday. They had the opportunity to experience over 20 different careers/pathways-what a great opportunity.
A Birth to Three representative will be available at Badlands Head Start on Wednesday, October 4th from 9-12 for anyone with children from ages 0-3 who would like a free developmental screening for their child. Contact Lemmon Special Education Director, Shauni Uthe, at 374-3784 if you have any questions.
Happy Retirement Anita Stugelmeyer! Thank you for everything you have done for the staff and students during the last 30+ years!
The Lemmon JHFB Jamboree on Sat, Sept 23, has been cancelled due to weather
Junior & Senior students attended the T4 Conference in Bowman yesterday. They had the opportunity to experience over 20 different careers/pathways, over 600 students attended from 3 different state!
Junior & Senior students attended the T4 Conference in Bowman yesterday. They had the opportunity to experience over 20 different careers/pathways, over 600 students attended from 3 different state!
Youth Football Practice for tonight-Thursday, Sept 21-has been CANCELLED!
Financial Aid Night-Come & check out the new FAFSA forms & website
Lemmon Elementary Fall Book Fair will be October 23-27 ! Check out our book fair webpage for more information!
Please join us in sharing your appreciation for the dedication and commitment of Anita Stugelmeyer to the Lemmon School District. In celebration of her thirty-seven years of service, we are honoring Anita on Friday, September 22, 2023, at 2:00 PM in the front lobby of the F.J. Reeder Armory.
POSTPONED TO LATER DATE: A Birth to Three representative will be available at Badlands Head Start on Wednesday, September 20th from 9-12 for anyone with children from ages 0-3 who would like a free developmental screening for their child. Contact Lemmon Special Education Director, Shauni Uthe, at 374-3784 if you have any questions.
Little Moreau Conference High School Volleyball Tournament Bracket for September 23, 2023.
The staff got into the Homecoming spirit last week. Jersey day was a favorite!
Please join us in sharing your appreciation for the dedication and commitment of Anita Stugelmeyer to the Lemmon School District. In celebration of her thirty-seven years of service, we are honoring Anita on Friday, September 22, 2023, at 2:00 PM in the front lobby of the F.J. Reeder Armory.
A Birth to Three representative will be available at Badlands Head Start on Wednesday, September 20th from 9-12 for anyone with children from ages 0-3 who would like a free developmental screening for their child. Contact Lemmon Special Education Director, Shauni Uthe, at 374-3784 if you have any questions.
The Lemmon High students will attending the T4 (Tools, Trades Torque & Tech) Workforce Development Program on Wed, Sept 20 (Grades 11-12) & Thurs, Sept 21 (Grades 8 & 9). We will be leaving at 7:50 from the High School. Lunch will be provided and we will return before school is out for the day!
Juniors & Seniors will be attending the College/Career Fair in Mobridge