JH wrestling will not be going to Bismarck tomorrow Saturday the 9th.
Good Luck!!
Friday, December 8 Dbl Hdr w/ Timber Lake is the FFA Ag Appreciation Night. Thank you to Dustin Ham, Bayer, Dekalb & Asgrow for paying for everyone's admission.
The 8th graders in Mrs. Anderson's Study Skills/Life Skills class played 3 games that involved communication, listening, coordinating, and strategizing to solve a problem.
Juniors got their ASVAB results and help in how to understand the results.
Everyone is invited to attend the Lemmon School District's Christmas Program on December 7 at 6:30 pm
We have some team hardware going into the cases!! Congrats XC Crew!!!
Some Lemmon Athletes stapling their name in history. One of the records held for 27 years. Congrats Crew!!
The Youth Internship class will hold their Senior Project Open House on Dec 18 at the High School @ 1:00. The community is invited to stop by and see what our seniors have been working on!
Congrats gentlemen!! 2023- All State FB
Congrats FB Crew!!!
Congrats VB Crew!!!
Congrats XC Crew!!!
Friday, December 8 Dbl Hdr w/ Timber Lake is the FFA Ag Appreciation Night. Thank you to Dustin Ham, Bayer, Dekalb & Asgrow for paying for everyone's admission.
Lemmon FFA had a great first day yesterday at the State FFA LDE competition! The marketing team, ag issues, ag communication and Chapter of Conduct Meeting all competed! Members also listened to industry speakers, attended a career carnival and networked with other FFA members from across the state. Today is the individual events for our members along with press opportunities before the awards start at noon.
Everyone is invited to attend the Lemmon School District's Christmas Program on December 7 at 6:30 pm
Friday, December 8 Dbl Hdr w/ Timber Lake is the FFA Ag Appreciation Night. Thank you to Dustin Ham, Bayer, Dekalb & Asgrow for paying for everyone's admission.
LMC JHGBB Basketball Bracket
4th graders did a wrap up activity after reading the Circulatory Story by dissecting beef hearts!
Everyone is invited to attend the Lemmon School District's Christmas Program on December 7 at 6:30 pm