FFA Chili Cook Off!
The Animal Science class has been learning about the reproductive system. They were able to see both beef and swine reproductive tracts.
3rd Quarter Parent/Teacher Conferences
FFA Judging School will be held on Sunday, Feb 20
Thank you Dacotah Bank for sponsoring FREE ADMISSION to Tuesday, February 15th BBB game vs. Faith
The Miller School District needs our help after a devastating fire at their school!
FFA Chili Cook-off!
Thank you Dacotah Bank for sponsoring FREE ADMISSION to Tuesday, February 15th BBB game vs. Faith
The Miller School District needs our help after a devastating fire at their school!
3rd Quarter Parent/Teacher Conferences
3rd Quarter Parent/Teacher Conferences
8th grade Shark Tank 2022 was a success! Thank you to all judges involved. The students truly learned "the art of persuasion" and so much more.
3rd Quarter Parent/Teacher Conferences
Pride Day participants from 7 school districts. Great turnout
John Perricone is presenting at Lemmon Pride Day
Due to rain early this morning, Thursday, Feb 10, the roads have a little ice cover. Students and staff are reminded to slow down and take extra care when driving. Please let the school know if you are running late. Always put your safety first!
The Animal Science class worked on suturing bananas today. They practiced two different kinds of techniques.
More of our furniture arrived. Lunchroom & Classroom tables look great!
Grades 3-6 adopted a new Reading Curriculum this year called Wit & Wisdom. The first module for Mrs. Penfield's 3rd Grade was all about the sea- how and why artists and scientists explore the sea. The squid dissection was a fun way to culminate all the hard work and accomplishments throughout our first module.
Prior to helping out with the 3rd grade squid dissection, Mrs. Ham's Biology class made paper models of squids and practiced their dissection techniques so they could teach the 3rd graders about dissecting a squid.
Grades 3-6 adopted a new Reading Curriculum this year called Wit & Wisdom. The first module for Mrs. Penfield's 3rd Grade was all about the sea- how and why artists and scientists explore the sea. The squid dissection was a fun way to culminate all the hard work and accomplishments throughout our first module.
Prior to helping out with the 3rd grade squid dissection, Mrs. Ham's Biology class made paper models of squids and practiced their dissection techniques so they could teach the 3rd graders about dissecting a squid.