Everyone is welcome to the 3rd Annual LHS Trap Team/Sons of the American Legion Free Will Taco Supper on Friday, February 21 at the American Legion Club. All funds will go towards the 2025 Trap Shooting season.
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Trap Shooting Supper
Buy your 2024-2025 Yearbook TODAY!
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Yearbook Sales
Delta Dental Bus will be in Lemmon the week of Feb 24-28, 2025!
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Dental Van
The American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring Girls State from May 25-29 at the University of SD. All Junior girls are eligible to attend. If you are interested in being a “delegate” or participating in Journalism City which runs in conjunction with Girls state, contact Jan Peterson at 701-376-5258. Registration is due Feb 20.
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Girls State
The 6th and 7th grade students created digital artwork in google sheets. They learned how to adjust cell size, add or delete rows/columns, how to use fill color and how to find and use hexadecimal color codes for specific color shades.
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Digitial Artwork
Digitial Artwork
Digitial Artwork
Digitial Artwork
Digitial Artwork
Digitial Artwork
Titan Machinery's Summer Camp registration is now open for all High School students! The Diesel & Precision camps will help students explore careers in the heavy equipment industry through immersive, interactive camp sessions. This is the perfect introduction to a wide range of career opportunities, even for those without prior experience. For more information or to register see: https://www.titanmachinery.com/titan-careers/student-programs/student-camps
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Titan Summer Camp
Titan Summer Camp
Titan Summer Camp
Titan Summer Camp
Titan Summer Camp
The SD American Legion sponsors the "Big 3"--Oratorical Scholarship Contest, Boys State & Youth Trooper Academy. If you are interested in any of these programs, please check out their webpage at www.southdakotaboysstate.com or www.sdlegion.org.
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Boys State
Boys State
Oratorical Contest
Trooper Academy
Lemmon's Events for the week of February 3-February 8
about 1 month ago, Lemmon Activities
Weekly Events
The Lemmon School District will be starting school 2 hours late today, Monday, Feb 3 to allow time for the roads to be cleared and the winds to decrease. Grades 6-12 will have 1st & 2nd hour classes this morning. No breakfast will be served.
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
2 hr late start-Feb 3, 2025
The team spent Friday night at a quadrangular in Warner. The boys team (including some of the girls stepping in and filling weights) recorded the first Lemmon dual win in several years over Warner. The girls also took on Aberdeen Central in a dual of their own and came away with the first girls dual win in Lemmon HS history! Saturday was the Lee Wolf Invitational at Aberdeen Central. This tournament is largely made up of Class A schools, which provides some deep, competitive brackets. Individual Placements: G126 Natalie - 5th G132 Quinn - 1st G152 Sam - 3rd G165 Lainee - 2nd B150 Gage - 5th
about 1 month ago, Lemmon Activities
Due to the forecasted weather conditions, including wind, precipitation, and low temperatures, Lemmon FFA will not be attending the Stock Show tomorrow. At this time, school will begin at its normal start time
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
6th Grade ELA/STEM put on a “Winter STEM” Activity Period for Mrs. Smith’s 1st Grade Class this week! ❄️
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Tomorrow's HS Basketball games start at 12:00 MT in Selby with the JV Girls followed by the JV Boys. The Varsity teams will follow. Here are the links: Boys-https://youtu.be/Zw1b7dVml8U Girls-https://youtu.be/KyKEJSCayY8 Also there is no HS game in McIntosh on Monday just JH Boys starting at 5:00
about 1 month ago, Lemmon Activities
Thank you to Caitlin Johnson, of Evenson Jensen Funeral Home, who shared an incredible presentation on the profession of Mortician and Funeral Director for today’s “Passions & Professions!” Students were able to try out unionalls and PPE, as well as work in teams to explore the Restorative Arts, as they worked to recreate the facial features of Taylor Swift! It was a great day exploring Caitlin’s passion and profession!
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Passions & Professions
Passions & Professions
Passions & Professions
Passions & Professions
Passions & Professions
Passions & Professions
Passions & Professions
Passions & Professions
Passions & Professions
Passions & Professions
Today is the Day!!!! See you there!
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Congratulations Gage Anderson on reaching a career milestone! 200 career wrestling wins!
about 1 month ago, Lemmon Activities
Our Anatomy & Physiology class attended Scrubs Camp in Mobridge yesterday. Some of the skills they learned were giving intraosseous injections (injecting medication into the bone marrow) and stitching wounds.
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Scrubs camp in Mobridge
Scrubs camp in Mobridge
Scrubs camp in Mobridge
Good Luck to the JH boys basketball team this Saturday, February 1 in Timber Lake.
about 1 month ago, Lemmon Activities
JH LMC Boys Basketball
Congratulations Lyberti!
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Lyberti Signing
Local Coops, including West River Cooperative Telephone Company, Grand Electric Cooperative, Moreau-Grand Cooperative & Slope Electric are sponsoring FREE trips to Washington DC during the summer of 2025. All Juniors & Seniors whose parents are members of one of these cooperatives are eligible to apply. For more information, see your local cooperatives website for more details.
about 1 month ago, Lemmon School District
Coop WA Trip
Coop WA Trip
Coop WA Trip