The JH/JV Football games in Harding County tomorrow will both start at 5:30 pm. We will play jamboree style with JH on one end and JV on the other.
5 months ago, Lemmon Activities
Lemmon/McIntosh Cowboys vs Herreid Selby Area Wolverines Sports Boosters & Student Council tailgate @5:30 Homecoming Game @7:00 Hall of Fame Induction @Halftime
5 months ago, Lemmon Activities
It was a windy a bit windy but the students did a great job decorating floats for the Homecoming Parade!--More floats
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
It was a windy a bit windy but the students did a great job decorating floats for the Homecoming Parade!
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
Congratulations to the Varsity Girls CC team for placing 1st at the Gettysburg CC Meet yesterday. Individual placing are: 2nd-Karly, 3rd-Brynn, 4th-Briley, 10th- Chel, 28th-Darla; Varsity Boys placings: 3rd-Micah, 11th-Trigg, 23rd-Brooks, 32nd-Sutton; Girls JV: 3rd-Greta, 11th-Zoey; Boys JV: Tripp, 22nd-Gatlin
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
Gettysburg 1st place
Hoagies for lunch yesterday! Great Job Lunch Ladies!
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
At the September School Board Meeting, Mrs. Katus' 5th grade class presented their family tree projects which included family culture and ancestors. This project corresponds with thier Social Studies and ELA standards.
5 months ago, Lemmon JH / HS
In preparation for a personal narrative writing unit in Ms. Hickman's English class, the seniors brought a book from their childhood for a show-and-tell activity. On Monday, Mrs. Petersen and Mrs. Schweitzer brought the kindergarten class to the high school so the seniors could spend the class hour reading to the kindergartners.
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
SR-K RDG Here is the link for the Cowboys vs Battlers football game tonight. Game time is 5:30 pm mt
5 months ago, Lemmon Activities
Congratulations to our Cross Country runners for their excellent performance at the meet today in Faith: JV Boys Division: Grady -4th; HS Boys Division:Micah-1st, Trigg-6th, Brooks-7th, Sutton-15th; JV Girls: Darla Barnes-5th; HS Girls: Karly-1st, Brynn-2nd, Chel-3rd, Natalie-4th, Briley-5th. Both Varsity Boys & Girls teams took 1st Place-Great Job!
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
CC @ Faith
CC @ Faith
CC @ Faith
The Lemmon School District students in grades K-8 participate in the USDA Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program. What is the Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program? The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program provides funding to participating schools so they can provide a variety of free fresh fruits and vegetables to children throughout the school day. It is an effective and creative way introduce fresh fruits and vegetables as healthy snack options.
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
fruits & vegies
Good Afternoon: Parents of Future Cowboys Football Camp participants from this summer. This message pertains to you. The Future Cowboys Football Camp shirts from Stateline Design were sent home yesterday with participants. This Friday night, before our home football game against Potter County, we’ll recognize our camp participants. The game starts at 5:30 PM, and we’ll make an announcement around 5:15 for participants to meet at the West End of the football field. We’ll gather the campers around 5:20 and recognize them at 5:25, right before the starting lineup. We encourage participants to wear their Cowboy football shirts. If they can’t attend, no worries—they will still be recognized over the sound system. We’re excited to see you Friday night! Come out and support our boys. Go Cowboys!
5 months ago, Lemmon Activities
Lemmon and surrounding schools participated in Land & Range School yesterday in Pasture 9. Thank you Mrs. R. Gebhart for arranging this amazing learning experience for our students.
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
Land & Range School
Land & Range School
Land & Range School
Land & Range School
Land & Range School
Land & Range School
Land & Range School
Land & Range School
Land & Range School
Gage and Darla represented Lemmon FFA and District 8 at the Ag Adventure Center at the South Dakota State Fair! They spent the day educating the public about agriculture and farm animals.
5 months ago, Lemmon Activities
Congratulations to Reva for placing 5th in her FFA market steer class at the South Dakota State Fair!
5 months ago, Lemmon Activities
. This is the link to the football game. Hill City did say that it might not work correctly but this is the link.
5 months ago, Lemmon Activities
5 months ago, Lemmon Activities
LHS students are gearing up for the 2nd EMT cadet class with the Lemmon Ambulance/LEMTA! Thank you to the Lemmon Ambulance for providing our students with this amazing opportunity.
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
EMT Cadet Opportunity
Congratulations to Darla on placing 5th in the FFA Ag Metal Fabrication contest at the South Dakota State Fair! 
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
Ag Mech @ state fair
Sophomore Speech class preparing for their first assignment of the year!
5 months ago, Lemmon School District
Speech Class
Speech Class
Speech Class