Lemmon School District will honor our veterans on Thursday, Nov 9 with a lunch & program. Everyone is invited to attend!
The 8th grade art class made Halloween puppets to give to a kindergarten student and read Halloween books with them
The 8th grade art class made Halloween puppets to give to a kindergarten student and read Halloween books with them
All extra curricular activities/practices and EST are cancelled this afternoon--Thursday, Oct 26, 2023 to allow all staff & student to get home safely and during daylight hours.
All extra curricular activities/practices and EST are cancelled this afternoon--Thursday, Oct 26, 2023 to allow all staff & student to get home safely and during daylight hours.
DOH student flu shots have been rescheduled to November 1, 2023
Tomorrow is the last day to help your child/grandchild/neighbor child's class earn donuts and a free hour of their choice by giving a donation to them for the local food panty. All donation should be turned in to their first hour class. Thank you NHS for helping with this great cause!
Today students in speech class had to think fast to come with a story to fight the enemy in Danger : The Game. The two group winners battled it out in the end, but an official winner could not be determined as the resulting group vote ended in a tie.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 25 from 4-8 pm.
Elementary conference sign up notes/times were sent home in the student’s Wednesday folders. There is no EST on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 due to conferences.
The Junior High and High School conferences will be held in the Armory and are not prescheduled, just stop by during the scheduled times to talk to your child’s teachers. If you would like to schedule a conference with a specific staff member, please contact the High School Office at 374-3762.
Close up will be offering a FREE WILL supper of sloppy joes, chips and dessert at both buildings from 4:00-8:00 pm. This fundraiser is to raise funds for their trip to Washington, DC this spring. Everyone is welcome!
The Department of Health will be at the school on Thursday, Oct 24 for student flu shots. If you would like your child to receive a flu shot, please turn in the completed permissions slip & a copy of your insurance card to the school office by Wednesday, Oct 23. Permission Slip Link: https://5il.co/27nsf
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 25 from 4-8 pm.
Elementary conference sign up notes/times were sent home in the student’s Wednesday folders. There is no EST on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 due to conferences.
The Junior High and High School conferences will be held in the Armory and are not prescheduled, just stop by during the scheduled times to talk to your child’s teachers. If you would like to schedule a conference with a specific staff member, please contact the High School Office at 374-3762.
Close up will be offering a FREE WILL supper of sloppy joes, chips and dessert at both buildings from 4:00-8:00 pm. This fundraiser is to raise funds for their trip to Washington, DC this spring. Everyone is welcome!
NHS will be holding their fall food drive, for grades 6-12, beginning Monday, October 16 thru October 26. Please support our local food pantry by sending food donations to school! The grade with the most donations will earn donuts and a free hour of their choice!
Picture Retakes, Group Pictures & JHGBB Pictures will be on Monday, October 23
Congratulations Lemmon FFA on a great day at Rushmore Leadership Roundup! The Marketing Team of Shannon, Kelly & Katelyn placed 1st. Nathan placed 1st in Broadcasting. Madison placed 1st in Prepared Public Speaking. Natise was 2nd in Prepared Public Speaking. Ag Communication Team of Tevyn, Emma B, & Emma O placed 2nd. The Conduct of Chapter Meeting Team placed 2nd with Allyson, Addy, Payton, Kate, Izzie, Jordyn, & Ayla. Darla placed 2nd in Extemporaneous Speaking. Krystal placed 3rd in Employment Skills.
Youth Bowling League will begin on Oct 20th at Lemmon Rec. All interested students in grades 5-7 are welcome to participate. See poster for more information!
Mrs. Katus's 4th and 5th grade classes finished up the plant project unit. The students had to bring a plant to school, dissect the plant, and look at the plant parts through a microscope. The students also learned the parts of the microscope. It was an awesome class project.
Picture Retakes, Group Pictures & JHGBB Pictures will be on Monday, October 23
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 25 from 4-8 pm.
Elementary conference sign up notes/times were sent home in the student’s Wednesday folders. There is no EST on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 due to conferences.
The Junior High and High School conferences will be held in the Armory and are not prescheduled, just stop by during the scheduled times to talk to your child’s teachers. If you would like to schedule a conference with a specific staff member, please contact the High School Office at 374-3762.
Close up will be offering a FREE WILL supper of sloppy joes, chips and dessert at both buildings from 4:00-8:00 pm. This fundraiser is to raise funds for their trip to Washington, DC this spring. Everyone is welcome!
Online shopping for the Elementary book fair is now available! This is a great way for far away family members to shop, just click the link below. You can also come see us in person on Wednesday night from 4:00-8:00 pm during Parent-Teacher Conferences in the Elementary Library.
Lemmon has been selected by the South Dakota Department of Health to participate in the 2023-2024 South Dakota Youth Tobacco Survey. Grades 6 through 8 will participate in the survey. This survey provides data on changes in tobacco use, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors over time. This trend data is critical to developing tobacco use prevention programs and resources for youth. The survey will be proctored on Tuesday, October 31st and Wednesday, November 1st. Students will be sent home with an Opt-Out form today (copied on purple paper). If you do not want your child to participate in the survey, please fill out and return the form no later than Tuesday, October 31st. This survey is voluntary, and the results are anonymous. For further information, please reach out to the high school office at (605)374-3762.